Help site

Hello, and welcome to the Help site of Edenpics. You will be able here to mark (rate) the future pictures of Edenpics, to describe them, and to choose Bible verses for them. Below you will have links to different sections. A section is created when a couple of pictures are scanned. So there is no sorting, it's only an incremental number. You will have the date of each section release beside.

Here are the general rules:

If you have a suggestion for a rating, a description (modification too) or another Bible verse for a picture that is already on the site, don't do it here ! Instead, go to the official site and go to the picture's detail page. From there, send an e-mail with the "Suggestions for this picture" link. This will automatically include the picture reference, and we will be able to change it quickly.

Rating a picture:

Put a mark between 1 and 6 for a picture, by clicking on the link below a picture. Just add the word:"Mark:" followed by the mark number, and the reason if you want (ex: "Mark: 3. Not really good because of the part of building appearing on the right").
You can mark only a few pictures, for example the best ones (with a 6 or 5) or the worst ones (with a 3 or below), or you can rate all of them, as you want.
If there is many times a similar picture, it is because the view was a bit different, and the one or the other might be better. In this case, rate only the one you prefer.

Here is the meaning of the marks:

6 = Excellent picture. It HAS to be put on
5 = Good picture, but not exceptional. I would still like to see it as wallpaper on my desktop.
4 = Nothing special to this picture. Can be put on the site, but better not.
3 = This picture is poor. Don't put it on the site.
2 = Awful picture. Taking it would offend
1 = Never think of taking this picture.

Describing a picture:

If you know the specie of a flower, a bird, or an animal, the name of a mountain, the name of a place, or any valuable detail about a picture, you are welcome to add it like this: "Description: Leopard's-Bane flower", by clicking on the link below the picture. You can put the latin specie name in brakets. Better a lot of texts than too few, so write there all that you know about the picture!

Choosing Bible verses:

If you have an idea of a Bible verse that would fit well for this picture, add it like this: "Verse: John 3:16; For God had such love for the world that he gave his only Son, so that whoever has faith in him may not come to destruction but have eternal life."
Please put the complete verse, to know when we should start and stop the sentence.



We thank you a lot for your help! This is very valuable and precious to us. It is necessary to have your optinion, shared knowledge and general help to do the best for this site.

If any problem or question, please contact us from our contact page.
Tell us there too if you'd like to help us even more, there are several ways for helping us:

1. choose the next pictures to put on edenpics (rate).
2. find a bible verse for a picture.
3. help to find descriptions of the animals, flowers, species, etc..
4. edit layouts (position of the verse in the picture, font, color, etc..) with a special edenpics program.
5. translate the site in an other language.
6. give your pictures (only good photographs) to edenpics (min. 20 pics)
7. scan pictures and make a chromist work on them (contrast, etc..).
8. answer e-mails about faith or the site in general.

For any of these, please take contact with us from our contact page.

Now, let's have a look to the translation system, which is made on-line. You have directly access to the database of edenpics, and you can translate just with a browser. Your connection will be securised, and a password will be given to you. Then you can enter each fields, like shown below. When a page is finised, you press 'Save' and your datas are sent to our server. You can just after see the results on the site, with a special option for you to see this language.

Here is what is looks like:


You will need approximately 10 to 30 hours to translate all the texts in your language. It might take less time if there are other translators for the same language. Come and work with our team, more we are, faster and better we work!

Now, let's have a look at the application to edit layouts for each Bible verse:


This application has been especially designed for You can place the text, chose the font, the size, the color, etc..., see the result in several other languages, etc.
When the person downloads the picture from the site, at this time the server will put the text on the picture in the selected language, and then return the result.
For helping this way, we need somebody that would help for some months. One picture take approximately 10 minutes to compose when you know how to use the tool.

So, somebody interested ?

If yes, please contact us from our contact page

Thanks for your interest, and God bless you!


 - Team -