Key to heaven
How marvellous it would be if we could live in a world surrounded only by wonders like those we find on this site, without any atrocity, criminals, wars, famines, or any other imperfection! A full and complete joy for Eternity... God says that this place exists and is called Paradise. It is a holy place, and only the saints will be allowed to enter there.
However, is there a key which would allow us to enter this place despite the fact that we have commited so many offences in the eyes of God ?
His delightful answer is YES ! Do not count on your purity to be able to enter there. God knows it well: Man is bad and animated by desires contrary to His. That is why you cannot clear your countless faults yourself, but God only, in giving you His Saviour whereby you can be completely forgiven of your wrong actions !
There is nothing greater than this message: Jesus-Christ is this Saviour, who has carried all your mistakes. He is THE Key that enables us to enter the Kingdom of God, because He has said about Himself: 'I am the Way and the Truth and the Life, no-one comes to my Father except through me' (John 14:6). Thanks to Him it is possible to access the Paradise, that God looks forward to GIVING you !
All this is possible because God loves you deeply. We are going to demonstrate it here, therewith you can receive from God the everlasting Life that He wants to offer you.